Status Page

Scheduled Maintenance: fiskaly Authentication Server

Scheduled Maintenance: fiskaly Authentication Server
Management API Dashboard Authentication Server
 -  (UTC)


  • Start: 11 February 2024, 7:00 CET (6:00 UTC)
  • End: 11 February 2024, 9:00 CET (8:00 UTC)

New Date and Time:

  • Start: 13 February 2024, 5:30 CET (4:30 UTC)
  • End: 13 February 2024, 7:00 CET (6:00 UTC)

Affected Service:

  • fiskaly Authentication Server

Details: Scheduled maintenance of the fiskaly Authentication Server will be performed on the date given above. During the mentioned time frame please note the following impact:


  • Creation, updating and deletion of users, API keys and (managed-)organizations will be disabled during the scheduled maintenance time frame.
  • Generating new auth tokens will not be possible during the scheduled maintenance time frame.
  • A short downtime of a few minutes might occur.
  • Existing access and refresh tokens may be invalidated after the maintenance.

Token Information: Invalidated refresh tokens cannot be used for re-authenticating. To generate a new token, please use the corresponding Authentication endpoint with your API Key and API Secret.

Implementation Notice: Please make sure your implementation uses ApiKeyAuthentication if RefreshTokenAuthentication fails with a 401 HTTP status code response.

Maintenance Completed 🎉

All maintenance operations are now complete. The fiskaly Authentication Server experienced intermittent unavailability between 6:35 CET (5:35 UTC) and 6:40 CET (5:40 UTC).

Unfortunately, all access and refresh tokens had to be invalidated during this process.

Please make sure your implementation uses ApiKeyAuthentication if RefreshTokenAuthentication fails with a 401 HTTP status code response.

Creation, updating, and deletion of users, API keys, and (managed-)organizations will be temporarily unavailable until 10:00 CET (9:00 UTC) due to necessary security measures.